
by nullhouse



Itsukushima Shrine, Lake Toya, Mt. Tsukuba, Gion, may be embarrassing if you cant read it? Over 2 million downloads in the series! Lets master the names of places and buildings all over Japan with the app!

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厳島神社、洞爺湖、筑波山、祇園...読めないと旅行先で恥ずかしいかも?!◆◇祝 シリーズ累計200万ダウンロード突破!◇◆完全無料の漢字クイズアプリです。☆人前で恥ずかしい思いをする前に!普段読めているつもりでも、意外と間違った読み方をしているかも?ゲーム感覚で楽しく学習をして、間違いをなくそう!☆ちょっとしたスキマ時間に脳トレ!1回10問なので、ちょっとした空き時間に頭の体操ができる!1問ごとにサクサク答え合わせをして、間違いをすぐに見つけよう!自分のペースで気軽に頭のトレーニング!☆大満足の問題収録数!北海道から沖縄まで、日本全国の地名・有名建造物の漢字を600問以上を収録!有名観光地も多数出題されるので、アプリで遊ぶだけで旅行してる気分になれる!このアプリ一つで日本の地名をマスターしよう!☆飽きさせない仕組みで、どんどん学習!好成績だと王冠ゲット!全問正解で金の王冠をコンプリートしよう!制限時間ありのハラハラドキドキ?!飽きずに漢字学習が出来る!(制限時間無しの設定も可能)詳しく調べたい地名はワンタップですぐにネットで調べよう!☆上級者のための「難しい」モード!普通の漢字では物足りない人は「難しい」モードに挑戦しよう!京終、愛冠、麻布狸穴町、足摺岬...一回で読めたらカッコいいかも!?ゲームであなたの漢字力・地理力を鍛えませんか?Itsukushima Shrine, Lake Toya, Mt. Tsukuba, Gion ...If you cant read it, you may be embarrassed at your travel destination. !!◆ ◇ Celebration series has exceeded 2 million downloads! ◇ ◆It is a completely free Kanji quiz app.☆ Before feeling embarrassed in public!Even if you think you can read it normally, you may have read it incorrectly.Lets enjoy learning like a game and make no mistakes!☆ Brain training in a short time!Since there are 10 questions at a time, you can do brain teaser in a little spare time!Lets find mistakes immediately by matching the answers to each question quickly!Feel free to train your head at your own pace!☆ The number of problems recorded with great satisfaction!Includes over 600 Chinese characters for place names and famous buildings all over Japan, from Hokkaido to Okinawa!Many famous sightseeing spots are also asked, so you can feel like traveling just by playing with the app!Master Japanese place names with this app!☆ Learn more and more with a mechanism that will not get bored!Get the crown if you get good results! Complete the gold crown with all the correct answers!Is it throbbing with a time limit? !! You can learn Chinese characters without getting bored! (It is possible to set no time limit)Find the place name you want to find out in detail on the net immediately with one tap!☆ "Difficult" mode for advanced users!If you are not satisfied with ordinary Chinese characters, try the "difficult" mode!Kyobate, Aikappu, Azabu Tanukianacho, Cape Ashizuri ...It might be cool if you can read it once! ??Would you like to train your Chinese character and geography skills in the game?軽微な問題を修正しました